The curse of a razor


Hair, is a natural thing. It’s visible from birth and grows as we age but somehow along the way, it became an unsightly part of a woman’s body (because hair on men is totally acceptable). We rid ourselves of it so we can fit in with what is deemed acceptable way to showcase one’s body. We keep trimming, shaving and waxing this hair over and over again, as it tirelessly keeps growing back, darker and ticker than before with no end to this vicious cycle.

Have you every noticed a child with shaved or waxed legs? I have not and society seems perfectly fine with that. So why this need to point out or react when a teenager or an adult with hair on her body comes within your visibility range? (particularly hair on underarms, legs and bikini line). Like a skilled sniper hired to take out the enemy, gross remarks are hurled at that woman to cause nothing but pain.

I was never hairy and the natural unshorn hair hardly posed any discomfort to my body or the way I dressed. Yet, I stripped myself of it because I was wooed by glossy magazines, showing off models with hairless bodies that gleamed. I was proud of the shinny coat that revealed itself after waxing. It was everything the magazine had promised. But a fool I was and my attempt at forever owning hairless and shinny legs were foiled.


The magazines only shared half the truth (so fools like me would buy everything they sold) and decided to omit the after effects of hair removal. It didn’t say I would have to deal with the itch, barb wire like stubbles, dry skin, ingrown hair that would leave my skin all spotty and worst of all, the reemergence of darker, thicker, longer and curlier hair! (I need a paper bag, I’m hyperventilating)


No magazine mentioned the need to keep removing hair. Or that I’d be spending tons of money, buying after hair removal products. It not once mentioned the curse of the razor; once touched, forever attached.

Heed my words and don’t fall prey to this gimmick. Nothing lasts forever, especially stuff from glossy magazines.

The other reality to this situation, if you decide to stay true and natural (with hair on you body), isn’t a pretty one either. People will mock your choice, gawk at you hairy body and some may even give you free advice on how to appropriately dress a hairy body .

It requires you to be a strong person to stay real. But over time you’ll realise, it’s just a phase; the initial shock of seeing non conformity to the general society, and it will pass. It will be forgotten once they get over the shock and get to know your beautiful persona. Some may even admire you because of your confidence. Just some. But many would keep mocking you because they know, it’s not something they could ever do, no matter how inconvenienced they are with keeping up with the Joneses. 

Thank you for stopping by at BeeRaise. Hope you enjoyed my story  & let’s stay connected for more:

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15 thoughts on “The curse of a razor

  1. This gave me a good chuckle. I’m definitely not brave enough to stay unshaved but I’ve had those looks before when I’ve gotten lazy and realized I neededneeded eggs and race to the grocery store unprepared. Those hair removal products really are the worst tho.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The way we dress, the way we present ourselves are all an influence of what the general norm is. We are constantly fed from various sources on how a woman (or man) must be, and anything else different is not accepted.

    This is sad but true.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes! At least I could go unnoticed with my thick leggings. Sadly, its 365 days of sunshine and heat here. A climate for hot pants and everything short!


  3. We really are programmed to believe hairless is better. I’m lucky to be relatively non-hairy and blonde, so it is not a daily routine. And… the older I get, the less I care, especially about my legs at least. If people are looking that closely at my legs, there are other problems there.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Exactly. I wonder how women felt about hair on their body before the invention of the razor and who was the bloody idiot that made hair removal mainstream. But I agree that as we get older, we care less what others think of us and our choices. Thanks!


    1. I was lucky because I never knew hair was unnecessary and undesirable until I was in my late teens and was reading fashion magazines! Now need to unlearn and love my body the way it is so my girls would be comfortable with theirs (but it’s a difficult journey and too much temptations)


  4. Its so relatable. Days when I am too lazy to shave my hair off, I don’t even get out of the four walls of my home. It’s just bad that these kind of norms are created, especially there are too many for a woman.


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